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Tuning Vocals

Hey guys! I wanted to do a post on how important it is to tune vocals on your project and to do it right. First of all I recommend Melodyne by Celemony to do this task the best it can be done. Back in the day I used Autotune and there were so many artifacts that I felt like I needed a shower after tuning :) Melodyne allows you to get a performance without changing inflections and adding artifacts. You want the listener to be pulled in to the song without distraction. We have trained the world to hear perfect vocals for so long now that just a great performance just isn't enough anymore. Streaming services and radio stations will overlook some projects if they hear the slightest shadings of pitch. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying make it mechanical, just make it right so the listener can enjoy the performance without being distracted by a slight off pitched note. In short, take your time on tuning and phrasing vocals and you will find yourself mixing better and faster.

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