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The Importance Of A Great Song

While choosing a great studio or engineer is important, choosing the right material to record is what matters most. I can take a less than average song and put on every bit of studio magic I can, spend hours on the mix and when all is done I still have an average song that lays there. I can take a great song turn up the faders and get goose bumps without doing anything to the mix. So you can imagine after dialing in a great mix the song turns into something special. I encourage all artists to go through the pains taking process of going through as many songs as possible to find the right ones for your project. Many times I have heard the comment "when we get into the studio I think this song will come alive". If the song doesn't grab you in it's rawest form, move on to the next one. I am not saying that doesn't happen from time to time, but it is rare.

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