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Innovation In Times Of Crisis

As the news networks preach gloom and doom, I sit here with confidence in the music industry. I believe that times like these produce true innovation and new skill sets we never knew we had. These are tough times for working musicians and it's easy to get down and wonder why, but if we take this time to look deeper into our musical crafts we can always find a silver lining.

While live gigs are on hold, the streaming industry is growing and people are listening more than ever. This is the time to be writing, and recording new productions to battle the loss of live revenue. It is a time to engage more with your fan base and look at alternatives to live shows for the time being. This is not the new norm as the gloom and doom, the sky is falling people tell us. This will end. Now is not the time to sit back and wait, but time to act, time to create and time to engage. While social media may not be the working musicians savior it is the perfect way to keep your fan base close and engaged with you. It is a comfort in times like these for people to see you performing even if it is on a screen. When this is all over you will have a stronger fan base than ever.

I work mainly in the Bluegrass and Gospel industry and I am seeing a lot of artists taking strides to keep music going during this crisis. Facebook live conversations to mini concerts on the couch to full blown video productions. I believe if we put away our fears of technology and doing things out of our comfort zone, we can keep careers alive.

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